
What's in a Name?

January 27, 2019 / BY Laura Swallow
We have had a lot of people ask us why we chose the name Uriah. While uncommon, it is a little more traditional than Lisanna and Arrow, and definitely a much older name.  Lisanna and Arrow’s names were much easier to come up with because we really only chose one name. Lisanna’s middle name and Arrow’s first name were both family names, Robert...

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I Had a Baby in Japan - Uriah's Birth Story

January 19, 2019 / BY Laura Swallow
It’s really amazing to me how each and every birth is different. Same mom and dad, completely different baby and a changing body with each one. With the other two, I ended up at the hospital at 40 weeks, 2 days with a broken water. With this guy, I ended up at the hospital at 40 weeks, 2 days with high blood pressure....

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Dear Baby Boy

January 04, 2019 / BY Laura Swallow
Dear Baby Boy, You are due any day now. In this last moments, as I lay awake night after night, I'm anxious to meet you. You have already changed my life so much, and I can't wait to see your squishy new face. Yet, as anxious as I am to meet you I am also anxious to hold onto these last moments. These...

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